
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Whooo are you?

If you havent' been to Night Owl Crafting you should she has some fun link ups like this one.

1. Do you type on a keyboard the correct way or do you peck like a cute little chick?

I actually know how to type. I do need to peak every once in a while, but do pretty well for the most part.

2. Typically how long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

45 Minutes Wish It were less but Hey a girl has to look Purdy!
3. Do you prefer lip gloss or lipstick?

Lip Glass of course ( Gotta have the SHINE)

4. Do you take clothes to the dry cleaner or wash them yourself even if they say dry clean only?

Umm I don't own many things that are dry clean only.  But If I do stumble upon something that is dry clean I always take my chances and try it in the wash..:)
5. Do you prefer Wal Mart or Target.

TARGET for sure, but unfortunately I live in a small town and I only have a stinkin Walmart, of which I have boycotted many many times...


  1. hi amanda! just visiting from new friend friday! i started following you last week!!!!
    i will have to go check out the night owl crafting site. have a great fun friday!!! xoxo

  2. hi there! thanks for stopping by my blog and welcome to the blog world! it is very addicting! :) i look forward to reading your posts. :) Be blessed!

  3. I hopped over from The Girl Creative. Your blog title caught my eye. I HAD to come snoop{{{grin}}}
    I'm your newest follower! Feel free to come visit me at "my place" when you have a moment.
    Have a wonderful weekend:)

  4. Target is my absolute favorite store! Nice to meet you, looking forward to the swap!
