
Monday, March 22, 2010

Getting to know ME FUN!!!

Found a fun and exciting Get to Know you post over at Murdock's mama

Just Erase my answers and fill in your information.. FUN FUN

Hope everyone is having a great Monday!

The questions..
1. What year did you graduate high school? 2000
2. What part of your body do you neglect the most? My feet hahaha
3. Beach house or Lake house? Beach
4. Mac or PC? Mac
5. Did you wear braces? Nope
6. If you could be one person for a or deceased..who would you be? I would love to be someone from back in the early 30's to live like they did.
7. How many times have you moved in your life? We were Military so hmmmm maybe 12
8. Would you rather cook or clean? COOK - but I really enjoy to clean as well, especially when it is pretty outside and I can raise the windows and the breeze coming in. Oh how I love Spring!


  1. I found you through Trendy Treehouse and wanted to stop by and say hello and welcome to blogland! It's fun out here

  2. Stopping by from The Girl Creative!

    Great getting to know you. We graduated the same year from High School. ;)

  3. I'm here from The Girl Creative!

    Nice to meet you :)

  4. Now following from Friday Follow! Hop on over and say hello.
